Albert van der Linde

PhD. student at NOVA University of Lisbon

(Laboratory for Computer Science and Informatics)
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Costa da Caparica, Portugal

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Welcome to my page,

I am a PhD student at NOVA University of Lisbon. [CV]

My current work focuses on the possibilities of peer-to-peer interactions between browsers.

LEGION project page:

We are looking for students to collaborate with! Contact me for information!

Research interests:

Large-scale distributed systems, peer-to-peer systems, data-consistency, security.

Edge-cloud hybrid model for distributed apps.
Albert van der Linde. Eurosys Doctoral Workshop (EuroWD'18) Porto, Portugal, April 2018. [PDF] [Presentation-PDF]

Projects I am envolved with:

SAMOA project page:
Secure and Scalable Platform for Massive-scale Mobile Applications
As researcher. Principal Researcher: Nuno Preguiça (NOVA LINCS & FCT/UNL)

LightKone project page:
Lightweight computations for networks at the edge.
As researcher. Coordinator: Peter van Roy (UCL)

HADES - Hardware-backed trusted and scalable decentralized systems
As researcher. Principal Researcher: Bernardo Ferreira (FC-UL)

NG-STORAGE - New Generation of data Storage and Management Systems.
As researcher. Principal Researcher: João Leitão (NOVA LINCS & FCT/UNL)

Cosmos - Causal Consistency on the Network Edge.
As researcher. Principal Researcher: Luís Rodrigues (INESC-ID & Técnico UL)

Academic degrees:

2015 M.Sc. in Computer Science by NOVA University of Lisbon [Thesis] [Bib] under the supervision of Nuno Preguiça and João Leitão.

2013 B.Sc. in Computer Science by NOVA University of Lisbon.


Legion: Enriching Internet Services with Peer-to-Peer Interactions.
Albert van der Linde, Pedro Fouto, João Leitão, Nuno Preguiça, Santiago Castiñeira, and Annette Bieniusa. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web (WWW'17) Perth, Australia, April 2017. [PDF] [ACM] [Bib]

Δ-CRDTs: Making δ-CRDTs Delta-Based.
Albert van der Linde, João Leitão, and Nuno Preguiça. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on the Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data (PaPoC 2016), London, UK, April 2016. [PDF] [ACM] [Bib]

Controlo de Acessos em Sistemas com Consistência Fraca
Tiago Costa, Albert van der Linde, Nuno Preguiça, and João Leitão Oitavo INForum, Lisboa, Portugal, Sep, 2016.
[PDF] [Bib]

Enriquecimento de plataformas web colaborativas com comunicação browser-a-browser
Albert van der Linde, João Leitão, and Nuno Preguiça
Sétimo INForum, Covilhã, Portugal, Sep, 2015.
[PDF] [Bib]

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